MHD Flasher Update V4.86 released - Updated F9x S63 Maps, B58 GEN1 5-BAR boost patch, and many more bugfixes and optimizations...

Frequently Asked Questions

The MHD wireless adapter allows you to reliably use all MHD features on the go, faster and easier than ever before. Just plug it in to the OBDII port, pair your mobile device to the Wifi access point created by the adapter, and you can flash, log, read codes etc. instantly – no cable needed anymore.
While using the MHD wireless adapters your phone LTE/4G data connectivity and bluetooth all remain active – and charging the phone is possible.
Adapters are compatible, or will soon be compatible with your favorite other apps – xHP, xDelete, Thor, Protools, Bimmercode and many more.

Two models are available:


Do I still have a connection to the internet when connected to the adapter?

Yes, as long as you have cellular internet available (some devices require special settings to have cellular connection if WIFI has no internet)

Why Wifi not Bluetooth?

Bluetooth is slower, and for future iOS compatibility only the slower BLE could have been used. WIFI is available for every device, has greater connection distance, a more reliable connection, is faster, and leaves Bluetooth available.

Can I use it only at home?

The access point is created by the Adapter not your WIFI at home. This means you can use the adapter wherever you want.

Can I use the RJ45 port on the black adapter for ENET tools?

Yes, the RJ45 port provides support for all ENET applications.

Can I leave the adapter connected?

Yes, but we recommend to unplug if the car is not used for longer than 7 days to prevent extra stress on the battery. Attention: On G Series cars with factory alarm system the adapter must be unplugged because the alarm will be activated after locking the car.

You would need

  • 1) MHD Flasher License
  • 2) Desired stage Map Pack (you can see stage recommendations on our webpage or Super License that includes all licenses for that engine
  • 3) We Recommend purchasing MHD WiFi adapter to connect your phone / device to the car

  • Licenses can be purchased on our website:
  • After purchasing a license, you will receive a license activation key on email, You use that activation code in the MHD app to activate the license and it gets locked to the email account and VIN number
  • WiFi adapters are sold thru our resellers, you can see the list at
  • You can read more information at:
  • Keep in mind that your car may need Bench Unlock, it depends on when was the last time it was updated. You can check it with MHD app, "Unlock Check" button (It does not need a license)

Yes, You can try to read DME Error codes with MHD app, it does not need a license.

No. Once a flash is performed you can disconnect / unplug your device.

No, you can ref lash as many times as needed.

Each vehicle has its own unique license (VIN and email account locked), tuning a different car requires purchasing a new license.

Yes, but for each car a new license is required.

Licenses are locked to VIN number and Email account,
Licenses are not transferable to another VIN number or email account

You can purchase and activate your own Licenses, VIN numbers are not locked to Email accounts

It is highly recommended for long flashes (install, uninstall). A healthy battery will handle short flashes (map changes) fine, but the use of a battery charger remains recommended.

The most common issues for failing flashes are
In case of Cable connection - unreliable KDcan cables or faulty OTG adapter
In case of WIFI connection, area with many WIFI networks may interfere MHD WIFI network.

Often reason for failed flash is weak battery or weak battery charger, so for the current supply:

  • Let the battery charge fully first and leave the charger on
  • alternatively, bridge the car to another running engine

In case of failed flash, lock the car for 20 minutes, then retry flashing process.

Make sure ignition is fully on (insert key, press the start button without touching the brakes until the dashboard displays the actual fuel level).

Press the monitor (auto log) button, stabilize around 2500 rpm / 3rd gear with DSC fully off. Mash the pedal, shift at 6500 rpm and 2-3s after the shift into 4th gear release the throttle and slow down, then stop the monitor.

Then upload the .csv file in MHD / datalog folder to and send us the link to it over email